Do It Afraid

F.E.A.R. has two meanings: “Forget Everything and Run” or “Face Everything and Rise.”

Yesterday was October 31st, Halloween.  Halloween is a day when people enjoy being frightened and scared.  Halloween is usually the only time that fear is invited, welcomed and embraced. The funny thing is that some people spend lots of money to scare others or will pay a cost to be frightened (i.e. scary house, scary movie, etc.).  

I have found that at times, life can be a lot like Halloween…SCARY!  However, many of the things that we fear in life can last far longer than one day out of the year.  Sometimes the things that you fear can stay with you for days, weeks or even years; preventing you from moving forward with your life, but just as many do on Halloween, you have to face your fears and do it anyway!

Believe it or not, just as people pay a cost to be frightened on Halloween, you are also paying a cost when you allow fear to hold you back.  How long have you been dreaming of starting your own business, losing weight, writing a book, or going back to school? Whether it’s a decision that needs to be made, a dream that you are afraid of pursuing, or fear of the unknown…JUST DO IT AFRAID!

The difference between those who are living their dreams and those who are still dreaming isn’t the presence or absence of fear, but what they do with it.

Fear is a state of mind, not a genetic condition! The truth is, fear comes from having a lack of faith.  My definition of fear is the belief that God can’t do it or He won’t do it. We must understand that God is in control, God loves us and even if our worst fears are realized, trust that God will use every bit of it for our good. 

So, how will you use F.E.A.R? Are you going to RUN from fear or RISE?

If you are fighting fear in your life right now, check out this great blog post on the His Mercy Is New website that includes a monthly calendar with “31 Scriptures to Fight Fear”.   You can also download the calendar by clicking here.

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