20 People You Should Unfriend


Who in your life drains your energy? Who in your life seems to be on a constant mission to steal your joy?  Whose posts on your social media newsfeed disturb your spirit everytime you see it?

We live in a world where the word “UNFRIEND”  instantly makes you think of the people who you want or need to delete from your social media friends list.   However, although deleting people from your social media friends list may be necessary for you to keep your sanity, there are some people that you likely need to UNFRIEND in real life.  

In honor of National UNFRIEND DAY, here is a list of 20 people that you should consider unfriending.  This list is not all-inclusive; however, my intent is to help you reflect on the relationships, friendships, and situationships that are a part of your life.   Remember, no one is perfect, but these are sure signs that you need to reflect and evaluate some things and some people in your life. Who knows…the person that may need to be unfriended is the “ugly side of YOU!”


20 People You Should UNFRIEND


People Who…

  1. Take more from you than they give to you.  
  2. Zapp your energy whenever they are around.
  3. Change your mood when you see their name come across your phone or every time their name is brought up.
  4. Are always negative and pessimistic.  
  5. Have been in the same place for years and refuse to grow or do better.
  6. Agree with everything you say or do, right or wrong.  
  7. Constantly bring drama into your life.  Your drama, their drama or someone else’s drama.  
  8. Smile in your face and talk about you behind your back.
  9. Constantly gossip about others to you.  Trust they are gossiping about you to others.
  10. Are always seeking attention.
  11. Expect you to know everything that is going on in their lives because they posted about it and then get mad because you didn’t know.
  12. Get upset with you if you don’t post about them on social media on their birthday, anniversary, when they have an accomplishment, etc.  They also get mad if you don’t like, comment, or share their social media posts.
  13. Always point out your faults and flaws, but never see their own.  
  14. Lie
  15. Manipulate
  16. Cheat
  17. Are mean and rude to others. Especially those that they consider inferior.  
  18. Are all-knowing.  You can’t tell them anything, because they already know.
  19. Victims.  They are always the offended, never the offender.
  20. Have no desire and aren’t concerned with pleasing the LORD!
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